Freie Hansestadt Bremen
The City of Bremen is a harbour city in the North of Germany (560,000 inhabitants). The Free Hanseatic City of Bremen (BREMEN) is the legal body for all municipal administration affairs in Bremen. The Senate Department for Environment, Construction and Transport (SUBV) is the responsible authority for urban development and planning, for transport and as well for environment, climate protection and energy. Bremen is a forerunner in sustainable mobility – with a share of about 60% of all trips done by sustainable modes (public transport, cycling and walking). In 2014, Bremen developed a new Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) in conjunction with its citizens. The Bremen SUMP was recognised by the EU Commission with the European SUMP Award 2015. With this plan Bremen wants to further increase the share of alternative transportation modes and inter-modality, improve equal access to transportation as well as reduce negative traffic impacts for humans and the environment.
The City of Bremen will host the Bremen pilot. As local authority, the City of Bremen is responsible for any integration of charging infrastructure into public street space and is a key player in the development of Energy Smart Neighbourhoods and for the wider integration of e-mobility in the city’s Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan. Furthermore, the city of Bremen is well established among national and international city alliances. Therefore, the city is a key contact for the envisaged City-2-City exchange to disseminate the project results.